Finding the "Why"

Nov 9, 2023

A broken home and battle of an identity crisis, only to discover he was always asking why? Brian's journey is a testament to the unwavering love and grace of our Savior.

Join us as we sit down with Brian to explore the depths of his past struggles, the moments of despair, and the turning point that led him to a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. As Brian shares his testimony, you'll be moved by his experiences and how they ultimately led him on a path of faith, healing, and purpose.

Discover how Brian's encounter with Christ propelled him into a life of worship leadership, where he now leads others in heartfelt worship and guides them on their own journeys of faith. His story is a reminder that no matter how broken or lost we may feel, God's love can heal, restore, and guide us towards a purpose greater than we could ever imagine.

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